Next in the series of plaintive Delphi cries, one to (some of) the users of Delphi
To many of the Delphi developers I have encountered:
Please memorise the following: Format
Message := 'There are ' + IntToStr(numBunnies) + ' bunnies in the forest.' + #13 + 'That comes to ' + FloatToStrF(bunnyDensity, ffFixed, 4, 2) + 'bunnies per acre.';
Message := Format('There are %d bunnies in the forest.%cThat comes to %2.2f bunnies per acre.',[numBunnies, #13, bunnyDensity]);
See how much prettier that is? Please start using it. I beg of you.
Also, consider:
function FunctionNamedFoo: Boolean;
a function which returns a value. You can either place the return value of the function into the keyword variable Result or into the locally-scoped variable FunctionNamedFoo. As you write more and more functions, please decide on the style you prefer and stick to it. Please.
I personally prefer the FunctionNamedFoo approach, since it makes searching the source code much easier. My despair on this issue is however so great that I no longer care which you choose, as long as you choose but one.
Delphi developers I have encountered: Thank you for listening.
Everyone else: My apologies. I do feel better now though.