Building an AWS Lambda layer with non-pure Python modules
An AWS Lambda layer is a good way to provide code and resources intended to be common to more than 1 AWS Lambda function. I have several related Lambdas which require a set of common Python modules. The layout of such a layer is fairly simple - the Python package directories are all placed into a base python directory in a zip file. For example:
│ python/PIL
└ python/Pillow-5.3.0.dist-info
Creating such a directory is fairly simple with pip, using the –target option:
pip install PACKAGE --target BASE_DIR
This works perfectly well from any Python-capable OS when all the modules are pure Python. It doesn’t however work well if at all for modules with non-Python dependencies, such as C or binary components. I needed psycopg2 in my layer, which can include some binary files or require compilation from C. Neither my colleague’s Windows 11 machine or my own Ubuntu linux machine are likely to produce a packaged module which a Lambda can run on its AWS-flavoured Linux OS.
I borrowed a clever idea from this excellent project - using a suitable AWS Lambda Docker image a simple script can:
- build a Docker image using the AWS Lambda image as a base, which uses pip to install required packages into a given directory
- start a container from the newly built image
- copy the package directory out of the running container into a python directory
- build a zip file with the python directory as its only root-level entry
- stop and remove the running container
- remove the built image
As a simple example, here’s a Dockerfile suggestion:
ARG REQUIREMENTS_FILE=requirements.txt
RUN mkdir /app
RUN pip install -r /app/$REQUIREMENTS_FILE --target /app/package
The ARG line allows the file to be used to build more than 1 kind of layer by using a different pip requirements file, defaulting to requirements.txt. Here’s a simple bash script to use this Dockerfile:
docker build . -t layer --no-cache --build-arg REQUIREMENTS_FILE=$1
CONTAINER=$(docker run -d --rm layer false)
rm -rf python
rm -rf
docker cp $CONTAINER:/app/package python
zip -r python/
docker stop $CONTAINER
docker rmi layer