2023 Reply to the Toast to Lions Clubs International
I have the occasional honour of representing Lions Clubs International at a Lions club’s annual presidential induction, a smart or black-tie event celebrating a club’s achievements over the previous year, hearing the new president’s plans and intentions and formally inducting a Lion as the president of their Lions club. These events include a toast to the global Lions Clubs International organisation, the parent organisation of every Lions club around the world. Part of my representation is to reply to that toast on behalf of LCI and attempt to inform and inspire the club’s members with details of the upcoming year’s themes and plans. I’ve included the reply I used in 2023 here, with reference to my own club, the North Durban Lions Club:
Lion presiding officer, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of our incoming International President Dr Patti Hill, our outgoing International President Brian Sheehan and the more than 1.4 million Lions and 46000 Lions clubs in 208 countries around the world, thank you for toasting our great organisation. It is my privilege and honour to reply to the toast. The North Durban Lions club has a proud history of service to its community and I am sure it will continue under your club's new leadership.
Incoming International President Patti Hill has chosen as her theme “Changing the World.” Our incoming District Governor Lindie van Wyk has chosen the theme “Strengthen and Flourish” for her year. The many members that have served their community with the North Durban Lions club over the past 56 years have changed the world in innumerable ways. You have changed the world of the individuals you have fed, clothed, assisted in need and shown kindness to. You have changed the world of the communities in and around North Durban through selfless service to hundreds of worthy causes and grateful recipients. You have changed the entire world for the better in conjunction with your millions of fellow Lions all working with no regard for themselves to bring meaningful life-altering change to millions of people and worthy causes all over the globe. The North Durban Lions club has flourished and grown over those many years of service - your club has been able to tackle projects well beyond the abilities of any individual through strong team-work. Each of us brings a unique set of skills, insights and strengths to our club, zone and District - we are only able to make the enormous difference to our communities that every club makes every time they serve by combining our abilities and serving together as a strong team. Sometimes in our clubs we can get however a bit too passionate - lets always remember we’re all human and treat each other and those we serve with dignity and respect. We may disagree sometimes but let us never stop working together as a team. We are all Lions because we know the joy and fulfilment we get from serving those in need. Let us always be ready to bring that same joy to others and introduce them to Lionism. By bringing in new members we will be able to serve our communities ever-growing needs more and more effectively and enthusiastically as we enhance our clubs' diverse set of capabilities and personalities. Finally I ask that every Lion, whether newly inducted or having served for 50 years, take a moment to reflect on how our club, our District and Lions around the world have flourished while changing the world when we put ourselves aside and serve others instead. As we continue to focus on service, let us strive to always brighten the lives of the many people whose situation we improve just by doing what we all do best - serving. Thank you.